Monday, January 15, 2007

Nomads & Caravans Trek

Nomads & Caravans Trek
Project Himalaya Treks

The Nomads & Caravans trek is a Project Himalaya classic, run yearly in the same (vast) region but always along slightly different routes. We've been exploring this nomadic region of the Indian Himalaya for years, and have come up with some truly wonderful treks.
The journey begins in the green Markha Valley, a bit lower in elevation, where we have plenty of time to explore the traditionally Ladakhi villages, the crumbling forts and the Buddhist gompas scattered throughout. The meandering Markha River is our guide; we follow it through groves of apricot, willow, popular & Himalayan oak trees and gaze up at the cathedral-like structures perched on the cliffs which tower above us. Along the way, we are likely to spot wildlife such as deer, blue sheep and ibex serenely grazing in the valley. Tibetan Buddhism, along with remnants of an older, more animist Bon religion, infuses the region with powerful symbols: 'lhatoos' or offering chortens for the mountain deities scatter the hillsides, monasteries hold 'pujas' or prayer ceremonies in the mornings and evenings, prayer flags are strung up on high peaks, monks wander the trails and villagers bring offerings to the gompas.
After crossing the over-5000 meter Zalung Karpo La, we enter the Ladakhi nomadic regions of Kharnak where we will hear the shrill calls of the nomads herding their Pashm goats, sheep and yaks. We are always on the look-out for the nomads with their caravans of yaks, sheep and pashm goats and their campsites of yak-hair tents, and we try to visit for a cup of salt-butter tea, fresh yogurt and dried apricots ...
Heading southeast, we cross remote mountain passes to reach the 4500 meter Changtang plateau and Lake Tso Moriri, where the Tibetan nomads of Kharnak live as they have throughout history. This region is famed for its good grazing, and the nomadic population has traditionally transmigrated from the high plains of Tibet in search of nutritious grass for their livestock, salt to trade, and a market for their butter and wool. The high-altitude brakish lakes of Tso Moriri and Tso Kar, backed by high snow-peaks, are stunning, and we camp along the meandering rivers that feed into the lakes.
Our jeeps meet us at Lake Tso Kar, where we finish our adventure with a drive along the Leh-Manali highway back to Leh, our lovely hotel and the Central Asian bazaars of Leh.
This challenging trek is a journey back in time to 'old Tibet' and a real adventure ...

Project Himalaya Treks
For more information about the Nomads & Caravans trek, look on our website, or contact Kim at
See you in the Himalaya!
Jullay ...